Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Chapter? ?1:? ?The? ?God? ?of? ?Wealth? ?descended? ?and? ?got? ?lost? ?



Beside? ?a? ?pile? ?of? ?garbage? ?the? ?size? ?of? ?a? ?mountain? ?stood? ?a? ?youth? ?who? ?

looked? ?completely? ?out? ?of


The? ?youth? ?didn't? ?look? ?very? ?old,? ?probably? ?around? ?17-18? ?yea

The? ?casual? ?outfit? ?he? ?wore? ?made? ?the? ?already? ?youthful? ?him? ?look? ?

even? ?younger.? ?With? ?a? ?delicate? ?and? ?pretty? ?face,? ?he? ?looked? ?like? ?he? ?

was? ?replicated? ?right? ?out? ?of? ?a? ?


He? ?was? ?so? ?clean? ?he? ?didn't? ?look? ?like? ?someone? ?who? ?would? ?appear? ?on? ?

a? ?trash?


The? ?youth's? ?eyes? ?were? ?limpid? ?and? ?clear,? ?shining? ?brightly? ?as? ?he? ?

looked? ?at? ?Wen? ?XiaoYun:? ?"Worship? ?me,? ?I? ?can? ?make? ?you? ?rich."? ?


Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?silently? ?placed? ?the? ?damaged? ?mecha? ?pieces? ?he? ?just? ?

collected? ?into? ?his? ?pouch? ?and? ?continued? ?to? ?riffle? ?through? ?the? ?

garbage? ?pile.? ? ?


The? ?youth? ?blinked? ?his? ?eyes? ?in? ?confusion? ?and? ?continued? ?to? ?

persuade:? ?"I've? ?observed? ?from? ?your? ?features,? ?you're? ?a? ?very? ?

fortunate? ?person.? ?You? ?only? ?need? ?to? ?worship? ?me? ?to? ?start? ?gaining? ?

wealth? ?from? ?now? ?on."? ?


Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?remained?


The? ?youth? ?advised? ?patiently:? ?"As? ?men,? ?we? ?can't? ?be? ?so? ?lacking? ?in? ?

ambition.? ?You? ?can't? ?collect? ?garbage? ?for? ?a? ?lifetime,? ?right?? ?How? ?will? ?

you? ?find? ?a? ?wife? ?in? ?the? ?future?? ?How? ?will? ?you? ?feed? ?and? ?support? ?your? ?

family?"? ? ?


Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?finally? ?stopped? ?moving,? ?turned? ?around,? ?and? ?looked? ?

at? ?the


He? ?didn't? ?understand? ?one? ?single? ?word? ?of? ?the? ?language? ?that? ?came? ?

out? ?of? ?this? ?youth's


However,? ?the? ?soft,? ?pleasant? ?sounding? ?voice? ?flowed? ?leisurely? ?

through? ?his?


Seeing? ?Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?looking? ?towards? ?himself,? ?the? ?youth's? ?eyes? ?lit? ?

up? ?with? ?anticipation,? ?looking? ?like? ?they? ?held? ?all? ?of? ?the? ?stars? ?in? ?the? ?

skies.? ?


Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?opened? ?his? ?mouth? ?and? ?said? ?in? ?a? ?deep? ?and? ?composed? ?

voice:? ?"Who? ?are? ?you?"? ?


----? ?


"Di? ?Di? ?Di"? ? ?


The? ?mechanical? ?noise? ?of? ?a? ?little? ?robot? ?resounded? ?in? ?t

Although? ?the? ?scanning? ?sound? ?was? ?minute,? ?this? ?noise? ?was? ?

multiplied? ?countless? ?times? ?in? ?the? ?ears? ?of? ?Wen? ?XiaoYun,? ?who? ?had? ?a? ?

SSS? ?level? ?psychic? ?strength.? ?It? ?woke? ?him? ?up? ?abruptly? ?from? ?his? ?

dream.? ?


Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?opened? ?his? ?eyes.? ?The? ?little? ?robot? ?was? ?waiting? ?for? ?his? ?

instructions.? ?


Unprecedentedly,? ?Wen? ?XiaoYun? ?didn't? ?get? ?up? ?immediately? ?after? ?

waking? ?up.? ?Furrowing? ?his? ?brows? ?faintly,? ?he? ?recalled? ?the? ?dream? ?he? ?

had? ?last


He? ?rarely? ?had? ?dreams.? ?As? ?the? ?Empire's? ?youngest? ?admiral,? ?he? ?had? ?

been? ?busy? ?battling? ?an? ?alien? ?insect? ?species? ?at? ?the? ?front? ?lines.? ?He? ?

had? ?very? ?little? ?rest? ?time? ?and? ?was? ?even? ?doing? ?battle? ?preparations? ?in? ?



He? ?never? ?imagined? ?that? ?after? ?the? ?big? ?battle? ?with? ?the? ?Empress? ?of? ?

the? ?alien? ?insects,? ?he? ?managed? ?to? ?escape? ?death? ?and? ?land? ?on? ?this? ?

trash? ?planet,? ?gaining? ?leisure? ?time? ?as? ?a? ?result.? ?He? ?even? ?dreamt? ?

about? ?a? ?strange

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