Chapter 761
Chapter 761
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< h1 >
GitLab Community Edition
< h3 >
Open source software to color on code
< p >
Manage Git repositions with fine-trained access controls that keep your code. Perform code views and enactments with merge requests. (http :// with merge merge requests.) Each project can have an issue tracker and a wiki.
< divclass = tcol-sm-new -session-forms-container" >
< divid id = tsignin-container" >
< ul class = tnav-links new-session-tabs nav-tabs nav" role = ttablist" >
< li class = tnav-item" role = texpressionation" >
< a class = tnav-link qa-sign-in-tab active" data-toggle = tttab" href = "tlogin-pane" role =" ttab" > Sign in
< li class = tnav-item" role = texpressionation" >
< a class = tnav-link qa-register-tab" data-toggle = "tttab" href =" t* register-pane" role = "tttab" > Register
< divclass = ttab-content ">
< divclass = tlogin-box tab-pane activeid = tlogin-pane" role = "tttabpanel" >
< divclass = tlogin-body" >
< form class = tnew user gl-show-field- errors" aria-live = tasserve" id = tnew "user" action = "/users/sign-in" accept-charset = "tUTF-8" method =" tout "> < input name =" toutf8" type = "thiden" value = "/> < input type =" type = "theintclass"
< label for = tuserlogin" class = tlab -bold "> Username or email
< input class = tform-control top qa-login-field" autofocus = tautofocus" autocopitalize = toff" autocorrect = "toff" required =" tequired" title = "tthis field is equired." type = "text" name =" tuser [login] "id =" tetuserloginize "/>
< divclass = tform-group ">
< label class = tlabel-bold "for = tuser.password" > Password
< input class = tform-control bottom qa-password-field" required = "trequired" title =" te This field is required.type = "te passwordname =" tuse [password] "id =" tuser" password"/>
< divclass = tremember-me" >
< label for = tuserrememberme" >
< input name = teckbox" type = "remember"" type = "t.hiden" value =" "t0"/> < input class =" tremember-me-checkbox" type = "" teckbox" value = "t" 1" name =" "" teckbox"
< span > Remember me
< divclass = tfloat-right forgost-password" >
< a href = "/users/password/new" > Forgot your password?
< dv >
< div-class = tsubmit-container move-submit-down>
< input type = tsubmit" name = "tcommit" value =" tSign in "class =" ttbtn btn-business qa-sign-in-button" data-disable-with = "tSign in "/>
< divclass = ttab-pane login-boxid = tregister-pane" role = tttabpanel" >
< divclass = tlogin-body" >
< form class = tnew _ news _ user gl-show-field- errors" aria-live = tasserve" id = tnew_ new_ user" action = "/users" accept-charset = "tUTF-8" method =" tt _ post" > < input name = "tutf8" type = thiden" value = "/> < input type =" taserve"
< divclass = tname form-group ">
< label class = tlab - bold "for = tneweusername" > Full name
< input class = tform-control top qa-new-user name js-block-emojie" reclaimed = trequiredtitle = t This field is required." type = text" name = "ttupnewuser [name]" id = ""/>
< divclass = tusername form-group ">
< label class = tlab - bold "for = tnew _ user_ username" > Username
< input class = tform-control middle qa-new-username js-block-emoji-pattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9o-\.] * [a-zA-Z0-9o-\.] * [a-zA-Z0-9o-]" requiredd = taquired" title = tessPrecreate a username with alphonic charters." type = "textname"
< p class = t validation-error hide' > Username is alreadytaken.
< p class = tvalidation-business hide. com > Username is available.
< p class = tvalidation-pinning hide" > Checking username availability...
< divclass = tform-group ">
< label class = tlab - bold "for = tnew useremail" > Email
< input class = tform-control middle qa-new-useremail" reclaimed = "title" = "treplase provide a validemail address." type =" temail" value = "name =" tutueweuser [email] "" id = "tefnewuseremail"/>
< divclass = tform-group ">
< label class = tlab - bold "for = tnew _ user_ email_ configuration > Email configuration
< input class = tform-control mediddle qa-new-userail-constraint "reclaimed = trequiredtitle = tplase retype the email address." type = temail" name = tgnewuser [email-confirmation]" id = "tempermization "/>
< divclass = tform-group append-bottom-20" id = tpasswordstrength" >
< label class = tlab - bold "for = tnew userpassword" > Password
< input class = tform-control botom qa-new-user password = "dattern =". {8,} "title =" t Minimum length is 8 characters.type = "t _ passwordname =" t _ news _ user [password] "id =" t _ newuser
< p class = tgl-fieldhint text-secondary" > Minimum length is 8 characters
< dv >
< divclass = tsubmit-container" >
< input type = tsubmit" name = "tcommit" value =" tRegister" class = "ttbtn-register" btn qa-new-user-register-button" data-disable-with = "tu Register"/>
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