Chapter 132: Underground Temple
Chapter 132: Underground Temple
Being the most heavily armed, I was thrust into the spearpoint position of the unit. Entering the hole the Deimos had emerged from, It was a 5 meter drop into a Ancient spartari building of some kind. The black marble pillars that held up the building seemed to be in fantastic condition while also contrasting the white pillars from the first set of ruins we found.
"Clear, drop down when ready." I yelled up. Fortunately the drop was rather open so the mercenaries placed down ramps they could walk down instead of rope ladders. As each member made their way down the ramp, I had the strangest feeling I was being watched. The room however, was enclosed with only 1 entrance and exit, except for the hole in the ceiling. "Weird."
After 20 minutes of exploring the subterranean structures, I could tell this place was going to be massive. The whole underground was a string of buildings built in the same style as ancient spartari, but used darker materials, similar to the colour of the Deimos warriors shells.
We were currently marching down the main path and I was positioned next to Jacob who was on my right. It was then I noticed a red light just up ahead that betrayed an ambush. "Move!" I shouted. As I pulled Jacob towards me as a laser beam manifested where he had just been standing.
Jacob may have been an asshole from what I've seen and heard from Mindy, but he was a competent fighter and that near death did not faze him. "Defensive positions!" He yelled and his men immediately dove for any cover they could find, and if they found none, they simply went prone.
"Enemies dead ahead behind the right hand side structure." I relayed to Jacob before I moved forward to draw fire from the Deimos lasers that began hurling towards us. The serpent swords who were at the front of the column were did not seem to be wavering in moral now that they understood what their enemy was and began lighting up the darkness with pink plasma volleys.
Once I was closer to the Deimos warriors, I decided I would attempt to use my spoil of war against them, a taste of their own medicine. Pivoting out from My cover, I took aim at the closest Deimos I could see and pulled the trigger. I watched as the beam made contact with the robot and began to melt its shell.
The Deimos processing the danger, retreated behind cover before it's functions ceased to work.
Fortunately for the mercs, there seemed to be fewer Deimos here than there were through the breach and I was able to get closer them with less difficulty. 2 had already gone down by the time I had made it to the one I shot and wasting no time, I rounded the corner with Zircon already swinging and cut the robot clean diagonally from the shoulder.
Realising I was the primary threat, The last 3 Deimos began raining their lasers upon me and I darted for cover. Fortunately, their tunnel vision was their downfall as the mercs were able to get closer and land critically damaging shots to the Deimos units, freeing me from my pinned position at the same time.
The battles were tough against these warriors, but I was glad I was strong enough to not have to use my powers yet. "Casualty report!" I heard Jacob sound off behind me." "Three dead sir. Instant, straight to the head. Regina is injured, but not fatally and has already cauterised her wound."
Walking back to Jacob, I recommended. "Have someone else take the front now, let your men take up the rear. It will help with moral and allow you to check on your injured from a safer position." Jacob saw no reason to refuse and yelled. "Caleb, you and your men take front. we will rotate after each skirmish."
"Sure I have no problem with that." Caleb yelled back as the scythes moved forward. As the positions changed, Bert and Ernie were discussing their excitement to cut the robots in half with their guns. "Bert, you have to go vertical. There's more material to work with. If you go horizontal, you are missing out." Ernie said. "No, no, no brother, you are so wrong.
Watching the bastards torso's fall while their legs are still moving will be so much funnier." Bert replied.
Hearing their conversation, Caleb scolded them and told them to focus up going forward. Which they surprisingly did as when Caleb gets mad at his men, they probably did deserve it.
In a fortunate scenario, as we continued deeper into the subterranean structure, no more ambushes were held against us. I was beginning to believe no more would be coming until the underground began to open up a little and a grand sight befall us all.
Ahead of us was the sight of a seeming temple entrance. Pillars extended upwards and once held purpose, now simply were decoration. these pillars margined a large pathway that led to the pain temple structure that seemed to be in almost perfect condition. The pillars and surrounding structure were pristine and a soft glow emanated from the temples doorway.
The only problem was around 50 Deimos warriors that were well dug in behind makeshift barriers and natural defences such as the pillars. From the distance we had, I noticed one unit that was peculiar. It was wearing clothes. Ancient and ragged, but they resembled a military uniform.
As it turned around and pointed at a Deimos, I noticed large tubes that seemed to enter into its helmet from the back and were connected to a nearby device.
"50 Deimos visual and I'm going to guess a Phobos if Kathrine is to be believed. Well dug in and heavily armed. Casualties will be massive if we just charge them." I said to the gathered leaders.
"Should we go back for more reinforcements?" Mindy asked. "Nah, its obvious the mining woke these fuckers up and are only now making those barriers. If we give them more time, no matter how many we bring down here, we will just be funnelling into a death trap." Dolan replied.
As the leaders began to discuss strategy, I began to take a closer look at the area. Looking upwards, I noticed one of the sets of pillars runs all the way across to just above the defensive position. Looking around a second to find Janine, when I did I waved her over. "What's up? From your body language it seems you have a plan."
I pointed up and explained my plan for height advantage to which Janine seemed to begin doing some math. "Sound plan, height advantage gets rid of their defensive positioning. A lot of cover for us. We just don't have a way to get up there." Janine said "Ah but I can carry everyone up two at a time. I reckon 3 minutes per climb and only the best marksman should go up there so roughly 20.
should take 20 minutes. That and once we are up there I could throw all our grenades down onto the defences making the main assault easier." I replied.
"If you think you can ferry 20 people up and down that fast we may be onto something." Janine said. After a moment of consideration, I relayed my plan to the other leaders. Considering all the other plans they came up with required heavy casualties, they were on board to at least try.
Positioning myself at the base of a pillar, two mercs hopped onto my back, digging their fingers tightly into my pauldrons. "You better be able to get us up there without falling." The one clinging to my right said. "Don't worry about it." I replied and activated my Gyrokinesis.
The two were unaware, but scaling the pillar now trivial and felt like my whole body was submerged underwater and I could pull myself along with ease. After the first two were now up there and I glided down the pillar with grace, I remarked. "Who's next?"
20 minutes later, my last trip was Janine and a extremely large bag filled with all the explosives the mercenaries brought with them. "How are you not tired yet? You even carried Bert and Ernie up here, with their miniguns and those fat fucks are fat fucks."
Considering Janine is my friend and we both have shared secrets with one another, I felt one more would not hurt. I have a Psionic gift called Gyrokinesis." "What's that?" She asked. "Really, I was in the middle of explaining my ability and you ask 'what's that?' I was obviously going to tell you." I replied. All right, all right.
Tell me then dick." "It allows me to alter the gravity of things around me. making them heavier or lighter at a whim. Truth be told a few years ago I would have been exhausted at this point, but daily training has allowed me to only have a large headache after 20 minutes of moving, as you so eloquently put it. 'Fat fucks' up the pillar."
As we arrived at the top of the pillar, The men up there already helped Janine and the big sack of presents for the Deimos. As I hoisted myself over, I looked around to make sure everyone was ready.
Once they were, we initiated my plan.