Reverend Insanity

Chapter? ?2309 -? ?The? ?Power? ?of? ?Heavenly? ?Web!? ??

Chapter? ?2309 -? ?The? ?Power? ?of? ?Heavenly? ?Web!? ??

Chapter? ?2309:? ?The? ?Power? ?of? ?Heavenly? ?Web!? ??

Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound? ?was? ?a? ?compound? ?killer? ?move.? ??

It? ?used? ?rank? ?eight? ?rule? ?path? ?departure? ?Gu,? ?rank? ?eight? ?wisdom? ?path? ?great? ?shock? ?Gu,? ?rank? ?eight? ?time? ?path? ?year? ?Gu,? ?rank? ?seven? ?dream? ?armor? ?Gu,? ?rank? ?eight? ?water? ?path? ?huge? ?wave? ?Gu,? ?rank? ?eight? ?sound? ?path? ?ringing? ?sound? ?Gu,? ?and? ?its? ?core? ?was? ?the? ?secluded? ?domain? ?of? ?heaven? ?and? ?earth,? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Mountain!? ??

It? ?was? ?because? ?the? ?core? ?was? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Mountain,? ?a? ?secluded? ?domain? ?of? ?heaven? ?and? ?earth,? ?that? ?this? ?move? ?could? ?be? ?comparable? ?to? ?a? ?rank? ?nine? ?killer? ?move.? ?Under? ?the? ?dao? ?mark? ?amplification? ?of? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?various? ?paths,? ?its? ?might? ?was? ?astonishing.? ??

With? ?just? ?this? ?move,? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?immediately? ?broke? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable’s? ?three? ?continuous? ?moves? ?and? ?alleviated? ?his? ?worsening? ?situation,? ?regaining? ?his? ?footing.? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable’s? ?expression? ?changed? ?as? ?thoughts? ?surged? ?and? ?moved? ?in? ?her? ?mind,? ?trying? ?to? ?analyze? ?this? ?move? ?with? ?all? ?her? ?strength.? ??

“This? ?move? ?seems? ?like? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?trump? ?card,? ?it? ?is? ?the? ?source? ?of? ?his? ?confidence? ?to? ?fight? ?me.”? ??

“Roughly? ?analyzing? ?it,? ?this? ?move? ?contains? ?rule? ?path,? ?wisdom? ?path,? ?time? ?path,? ?dream? ?path,? ?water? ?path,? ?soul? ?path,? ?and? ?sound? ?path.? ?It? ?really? ?is? ?difficult? ?to? ?block? ?it? ?completely.”? ??

Wisdom? ?path? ?was? ?fine,? ?but? ?dream? ?path? ?was? ?troublesome.? ?Despite? ?the? ?dream? ?path? ?Immortal? ?Gu? ?Dream? ?Armor? ?being? ?only? ?rank? ?seven,? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?did? ?not? ?have? ?an? ?effective? ?way? ?to? ?block? ?it.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan? ?had? ?the? ?advantage? ?in? ?dream? ?path,? ?he? ?was? ?the? ?number? ?one? ?in? ?the? ?current? ?world!? ??

“The? ?greatest? ?source? ?of? ?this? ?move’s? ?strength? ?is? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Mountain.? ?How? ?much? ?time? ?and? ?energy? ?did? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?spend? ?to? ?deduce? ?this? ?move?”? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?calculated? ?inwardly? ?while? ?feeling? ?somewhat? ?helpless.? ??

Her? ?painstakingly? ?created? ?new? ?combat? ?system? ?was? ?broken? ?by? ?one? ?move? ?from? ?Fang? ?Yuan.? ??

No? ?matter? ?how? ?ingenious? ?the? ?three? ?connected? ?moves? ?was,? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound? ?was? ?extremely? ?domineering,? ?directly? ?clearing? ?the? ?battlefield.? ??

The? ?thing? ?that? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?was? ?concerned? ?about:? ?the? ?time? ?and? ?energy? ?she? ?spent? ?on? ?these? ?three? ?moves? ?compared? ?to? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?expenditure? ?in? ?deducing? ?Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound.? ??

It? ?was? ?fine? ?if? ?her? ?time? ?and? ?energy? ?spent? ?was? ?less.? ??

If? ?it? ?was? ?more,? ?her? ?losses? ?would? ?be? ?more? ?than? ?gains.? ??

The? ?result? ?of? ?a? ?confrontation? ?between? ?venerables? ?also? ?signified? ?the? ?difference? ?in? ?venerables’? ?cultivation? ?and? ?management? ?methods.? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?calculated? ?inwardly? ?and? ?felt? ?the? ?possibility? ?of? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?expending? ?lesser? ?than? ?her? ?was? ?rather? ?low.? ??

But? ?the? ?truth? ?was? ?not? ?so.? ??

The? ?main? ?source? ?of? ?this? ?killer? ?move,? ?Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound,? ?came? ?from? ?the? ?nature? ?of? ?heaven? ?and? ?earth.? ??

In? ?the? ?Remote? ?Antiquity? ?Era,? ?there? ?was? ?a? ?kind? ?of? ?immemorial? ?desolate? ?beast? ?called? ?shocking? ?year? ?beast,? ?wherever? ?it? ?went,? ?shocked? ?year? ?Gu? ?would? ?fly? ?out.? ?It? ?was? ?already? ?extinct? ?now.? ? ??

Dream? ?wave? ?was? ?a? ?phenomenon,? ?in? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?five? ?hundred? ?years? ?of? ?his? ?previous? ?life,? ?dream? ?wave? ?was? ?formed? ?when? ?dream? ?realms? ?appeared? ?at? ?a? ?large? ?scale.? ??

There? ?was? ?no? ?need? ?to? ?say? ?much? ?about? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Mountain.? ??

Soul? ?sound? ?withered? ?tree? ?was? ?an? ?already? ?extinct,? ?rare? ?immemorial? ?desolate? ?plant.? ?It? ?used? ?wood? ?path? ?resources? ?as? ?nutrients? ?and? ?emitted? ?soul? ?sound? ?that? ?influence? ?the? ?souls? ?of? ?the? ?surrounding? ?living? ?beings.? ??

These? ?phenomena? ?and? ?natural? ?abilities? ?existed? ?throughout? ?heaven? ?and? ?earth? ?naturally.? ??

After? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?gained? ?the? ?information? ?through? ?stealing? ?heavenly? ?secret,? ?they? ?became? ?an? ?important? ?foundational? ?reference? ?material.? ??

The? ?creation? ?of? ?compound? ?killer? ?moves? ?was? ?actually? ?easier? ?than? ?an? ?individual? ?path’s? ?killer? ?moves.? ?Especially? ?when? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?had? ?rank? ?eight? ?wisdom? ?Gu,? ?it? ?gave? ?him? ?accurate? ?inspirations,? ?so? ?he? ?did? ?not? ?have? ?to? ?waste? ?time? ?on? ?dead? ?ends.? ??

This? ?Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound? ?was? ?essentially? ?only? ?a? ?quasi-rank? ?nine? ?killer? ?move? ?because? ?it? ?did? ?not? ?contain? ?a? ?rank? ?nine? ?Immortal? ?Gu.? ??

Thus,? ?rank? ?eight? ?wisdom? ?Gu? ?was? ?helpful? ?in? ?deducing? ?this? ?move.? ??

“Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable,? ?can? ?you? ?deal? ?with? ?this? ?move?”? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?smiled? ?as? ?he? ?calmly? ?approached? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable.? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?could? ?only? ?retreat? ?constantly,? ?maintaining? ?distance? ?from? ?Fang? ?Yuan.? ??

It? ?was? ?difficult? ?to? ?construct? ?a? ?combat? ?system.? ??

The? ?three? ?connected? ?moves? ?that? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?painstakingly? ?created? ?were? ?exquisite? ?and? ?already? ?formed? ?an? ?initial? ?incomplete? ?combat? ?system.? ??

But? ?after? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?move? ?unreasonably? ?broke? ?it,? ?the? ?three? ?connected? ?moves? ?became? ?a? ?joke.? ??

Naturally,? ?this? ?did? ?not? ?mean? ?that? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable’s? ?effort? ?ended? ?up? ?in? ?vain.? ??

Maybe? ?in? ?the? ?future,? ?when? ?she? ?obtains? ?a? ?rank? ?nine? ?star? ?path? ?Immortal? ?Gu,? ?this? ?combat? ?system’s? ?power? ?would? ?rise? ?explosively? ?and? ?be? ?able? ?to? ?withstand? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?compound? ?killer? ?move.? ??

The? ?foundation? ?of? ?a? ?combat? ?system? ?were? ?still? ?the? ?Immortal? ?Gu? ?that? ?formed? ?it.? ??

In? ?a? ?contest? ?of? ?venerables,? ?they? ?first? ?competed? ?with? ?rank? ?nine? ?Immortal? ?Gu.? ?If? ?there? ?was? ?no? ?rank? ?nine? ?Immortal? ?Gu,? ?then? ?they? ?would? ?contest? ?with? ?secluded? ?domains? ?of? ?heaven? ?and? ?earth!? ??

In? ?this? ?aspect,? ?Giant? ?Sun? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?possessed? ?the? ?incomplete? ?Blood? ?Sea;? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?possessed? ?Book? ?Mountain,? ?Mental? ?Domain,? ?and? ?the? ?Door? ?of? ?Life? ?and? ?Death;? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?possessed? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Mountain,? ?Luo? ?Po? ?Valley,? ?City? ?Well,? ?Reverse? ?Flow? ?River,? ?Hu? ?Land,? ?Refinement? ?Sea,? ?Human? ?Sea,? ?and? ?the? ?incomplete? ?Qian? ?Kun? ?Crystal? ?Wall.? ? ??

When? ?the? ?foundation? ?was? ?solid? ?and? ?it? ?was? ?hard? ?to? ?determine? ?a? ?winner? ?through? ?fighting,? ?the? ?combat? ?system? ?became? ?the? ?biggest? ?factor? ?to? ?decide? ?victory? ?or? ?defeat.? ? ??

“Fang? ?Yuan? ?really? ?has? ?extraordinary? ?aptitude? ?and? ?shocking? ?talent.? ?This? ?move? ?is? ?so? ?powerful? ?and? ?mysterious,? ?it? ?is? ?really? ?hard? ?to? ?block.? ?But? ?I? ?also? ?have? ?a? ?move,? ?please? ?appraise? ?it.”? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?shook? ?the? ?Mental? ?Domain? ?in? ?her? ?hand.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan? ?immediately? ?looked? ?vigilant? ?and? ?activated? ?reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal.? ??

Reverse? ?Flow? ?River? ?was? ?already? ?restored,? ?reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal? ?had? ?even? ?been? ?modified.? ??

Originally,? ?after? ?the? ?killer? ?move? ?was? ?activated,? ?a? ?large? ?white? ?robe? ?was? ?formed? ?with? ?ripples? ?moved? ?along? ?the? ?surface,? ?this? ?was? ?the? ?image? ?of? ?Reverse? ?Flow? ?River? ?flowing? ?slowly.? ?The? ?surface? ?of? ?the? ?white? ?robe? ?had? ?faint? ?mist? ?surrounding? ?it.? ?There? ?was? ?also? ?a? ?strip? ?of? ?light? ?that? ?was? ?deep? ?azure,? ?it? ?was? ?curvy? ?and? ?wavy,? ?resembling? ?a? ?long? ?sash,? ?it? ?coiled? ?around? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?arms,? ?the? ?back? ?of? ?his? ?neck,? ?and? ?around? ?his? ?waist? ?again.? ??

Now,? ?besides? ?these,? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?peerlessly? ?beautiful? ?face? ?was? ?partly? ?veiled? ?by? ?a? ?translucent? ?gauze,? ?highlighting? ?the? ?matchless? ?charm? ?in? ?the? ?depths? ?of? ?his? ?unconcealed? ?eyes.? ? ??

The? ?lantern-like? ?Mental? ?Domain? ?shook? ?slightly;? ?in? ?an? ?instant,? ?the? ?surrounding? ?battlefield? ?dimmed.? ??

Mental? ?Domain? ?was? ?like? ?the? ?only? ?source? ?of? ?light,? ?but? ?it? ?was? ?letting? ?out? ?a? ?mysterious? ?suction? ?force.? ??

This? ?move’s? ?range? ?was? ?extremely? ?large,? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?was? ?directly? ?struck? ?by? ?it.? ?His? ?accumulated? ?emotions? ?were? ?extracted? ?and? ?absorbed? ?by? ?Mental? ?Domain.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan? ?immediately? ?used? ?calm? ?and? ?steady? ?killer? ?move,? ?but? ?could? ?not? ?block? ?this? ?process.? ??

He? ?used? ?other? ?methods? ?as? ?well,? ?but? ?as? ?they? ?showed? ?no? ?effects,? ?his? ?expression? ?started? ?to? ?change.? ??

Because? ?at? ?first,? ?only? ?emotions? ?were? ?extracted,? ?but? ?gradually,? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?wisdom? ?path? ?dao? ?marks? ?were? ?also? ?being? ?extracted.? ??

Wisdom? ?path? ?cultivation? ?focused? ?on? ?three? ?elements:? ?thoughts,? ?wills,? ?and? ?emotions.? ?Furthermore,? ?emotions? ?were? ?related? ?to? ?wisdom? ?path? ?dao? ?marks.? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable’s? ?move? ?was? ?extremely? ?powerful,? ?besides? ?extracting? ?emotions,? ?it? ?could? ?even? ?extract? ?wisdom? ?path? ?dao? ?marks,? ?permanently? ?reducing? ?the? ?target’s? ?wisdom? ?path? ?foundation!? ??

“Once? ?my? ?emotions? ?are? ?all? ?extracted,? ?my? ?heart? ?will? ?be? ?empty.? ?It? ?will? ?be? ?extremely? ?easy? ?for? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?to? ?add? ?in? ?emotions? ?then.”? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?felt? ?that? ?the? ?situation? ?was? ?going? ?south.? ??

During? ?the? ?whole? ?process,? ?his? ?reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal? ?had? ?no? ?reaction.? ??

Clearly,? ?this? ?extraction? ?was? ?extremely? ?subtle? ?and? ?was? ?not? ?considered? ?an? ?attack,? ?so? ?it? ?did? ?not? ?trigger? ?reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal’s? ?counterattack.? ??

In? ?fact,? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?probably? ?created? ?this? ?move? ?to? ?target? ?reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal.? ??

She? ?succeeded.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?effort? ?in? ?modifying? ?reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal? ?was? ?made? ?pointless.? ??

In? ?just? ?a? ?few? ?breaths? ?of? ?time,? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?already? ?lost? ?one? ?hundred? ?wisdom? ?path? ?dao? ?marks.? ??

He? ?activated? ?defensive? ?methods? ?crazily,? ?but? ?even? ?dream? ?armor? ?Gu? ?showed? ?no? ?effect.? ??

The? ?core? ?of? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable’s? ?move? ?was? ?Mental? ?Domain,? ?it? ?could? ?be? ?considered? ?a? ?quasi-rank? ?nine? ?killer? ?move.? ?Adding? ?on? ?the? ?amplification? ?from? ?her? ?wisdom? ?path? ?dao? ?marks,? ?it? ?had? ?overwhelming? ?might.? ??

Methods? ?like? ?that? ?of? ?dream? ?armor? ?Gu? ?were? ?at? ?a? ?lower? ?level? ?and? ?did? ?not? ?have? ?enough? ?strength? ?to? ?block? ?this.? ??

Reverse? ?flow? ?protection? ?seal? ?was? ?of? ?a? ?high? ?level? ?and? ?had? ?enough? ?strength,? ?but? ?it? ?could? ?not? ?be? ?triggered.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan? ?had? ?another? ?option,? ?which? ?was? ?to? ?continue? ?activating? ?Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound,? ?using? ?offense? ?against? ?offense!? ??

But? ?he? ?was? ?in? ?a? ?dilemma.? ??

It? ?was? ?not? ?his? ?intention? ?to? ?fight? ?such? ?an? ?intense? ?attrition? ?battle? ?with? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable.? ?Both? ?sides? ?would? ?suffer? ?losses,? ?giving? ?Giant? ?Sun? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?the? ?most? ?gains.? ??

Moreover,? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?did? ?not? ?want? ?to? ?fight? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable,? ?his? ?first? ?priority? ?were? ?the? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms.? ??

Thoughts? ?collided? ?in? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?mind,? ?and? ?after? ?a? ?few? ?sparks? ?between? ?the? ?thoughts,? ?he? ?made? ?a? ?decision.? ?He? ?secretly? ?used? ?a? ?heaven? ?path? ?killer? ?move? ?—? ?Heavenly? ?Web? ?Protection? ?Veil.? ??

This? ?move? ?originally? ?formed? ?a? ?giant? ?milky? ?white? ?web? ?outside? ?of? ?the? ?Gu? ?Immortal? ?to? ?block? ?attacks.? ?But? ?now,? ?it? ?quietly? ?turned? ?into? ?a? ?milky? ?white? ?light? ?stream? ?that? ?entered? ?the? ?thin? ?fishing? ?net? ?formed? ?from? ?obscured? ?heavenly? ?secret? ?killer? ?move.? ??

Like? ?this,? ?the? ?thin? ?and? ?tightly? ?connected? ?fishing? ?net? ?possessed? ?the? ?power? ?of? ?two? ?killer? ?moves,? ?heavenly? ?web? ?protection? ?veil? ?and? ?obscured? ?heavenly? ?secret!? ??

Heavenly? ?web? ?Gu? ?was? ?a? ?rank? ?nine? ?Immortal? ?Gu.? ??

Heavenly? ?web? ?protection? ?veil’s? ?defensive? ?power? ?was? ?higher? ?than? ?the? ?strength? ?of? ?Mental? ?Domain’s? ?killer? ?move.? ??

Heavenly? ?web? ?protection? ?veil? ?had? ?gaps? ?but? ?nothing? ?was? ?allowed? ?to? ?pass? ?through.? ?or? ?

As? ?the? ?saying? ?went,? ?the? ?net? ?of? ?heaven? ?has? ?large? ?meshes? ?but? ?it? ?lets? ?nothing? ?through[1.? ?A? ?Chinese? ?saying? ?similar? ?to? ?’The? ?mills? ?of? ?God? ?grind? ?slowly? ?but? ?surely’.].? ??

In? ?an? ?instant,? ?it? ?stopped? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?emotions? ?from? ?being? ?extracted,? ?causing? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?to? ?exclaim? ?in? ?surprise.? ??

The? ?even? ?more? ?amazing? ?thing? ?was? ?that? ?the? ?rank? ?nine? ?Immortal? ?Gu? ?aura? ?was? ?not? ?exposed.? ?Because? ?the? ?two? ?moves? ?were? ?interconnected,? ?the? ?aura? ?was? ?concealed? ?by? ?obscured? ?heavenly? ?secret? ?killer? ?move.? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?was? ?truly? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable,? ?after? ?just? ?a? ?few? ?exchanges,? ?she? ?forced? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?to? ?use? ?his? ?rank? ?nine? ?heavenly? ?web? ?Gu.? ??

Like? ?this,? ?obscured? ?heavenly? ?secret? ?killer? ?move? ?faced? ?a? ?huge? ?burden!? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable’s? ?mood? ?was? ?even? ?heavier.? ??

She? ?could? ?not? ?block? ?Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?Shocking? ?Departure? ?of? ?Year? ?Dream? ?Wave? ?and? ?Dang? ?Hun? ?Sound,? ?but? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?could? ?resist? ?her? ?Mental? ?Domain’s? ?killer? ?move.? ??

That? ?meant? ?she? ?could? ?not? ?even? ?keep? ?up? ?the? ?attrition? ?battle? ?by? ?using? ?offense? ?against? ?offense.? ??

“Does? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?have? ?a? ?method? ?that? ?is? ?not? ?weaker? ?than? ?mine? ?in? ?terms? ?of? ?wisdom? ?path? ?deduction?”? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?could? ?not? ?help? ?but? ?feel? ?doubtful.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan? ?thus? ?gained? ?the? ?upper? ?hand? ?and? ?finally? ?had? ?the? ?leisure? ?time? ?to? ?deal? ?with? ?the? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms.? ??

He? ?did? ?not? ?attack? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?and? ?only? ?defended? ?against? ?her? ?while? ?targeting? ?those? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms? ?from? ?afar.? ??

His? ?first? ?method? ?was? ?naturally? ?pure? ?dream? ?reality? ?seeker? ?transformation!? ??

Ordinary? ?dream? ?realms? ?would? ?be? ?transformed? ?into? ?Pure? ?Dream? ?Reality? ?Seeker? ?bodies? ?by? ?this? ?move.? ?But? ?it? ?had? ?no? ?effect? ?on? ?the? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms,? ?not? ?only? ?this,? ?the? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms? ?were? ?instead? ?angered? ?and? ?formed? ?a? ?tidal? ?wave? ?that? ?rushed? ?towards? ?Fang? ?Yuan.? ??

“These? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms? ?are? ?filled? ?with? ?heaven’s? ?will,? ?while? ?pure? ?dream? ?reality? ?seeker? ?transformation? ?condenses? ?a? ?dream? ?realm? ?into? ?a? ?human? ?body? ?with? ?human? ?will? ?as? ?the? ?core.? ?This? ?means? ?I? ?need? ?to? ?get? ?rid? ?of? ?all? ?the? ?heaven’s? ?will? ?in? ?the? ?dream? ?realms? ?first.”? ??

After? ?learning? ?of? ?this,? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?activated? ?heaven’s? ?will? ?dissipation? ?killer? ?move.? ??

He? ?had? ?used? ?this? ?move? ?many? ?times? ?before? ?to? ?deal? ?with? ?dream? ?realms? ?and? ?its? ?effect? ?was? ?extraordinary.? ??

But? ?this? ?time,? ?although? ?it? ?was? ?still? ?effective,? ?its? ?side? ?effect? ?was? ?much? ?larger.? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?felt? ?some? ?heartache? ?as? ?he? ?watched? ?the? ?targeted? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realm? ?shrinking? ?rapidly.? ? ??

“Seems? ?like? ?heaven’s? ?will? ?dissipation? ?is? ?usable? ?against? ?ordinary? ?dream? ?realms,? ?but? ?is? ?an? ?extremely? ?crude? ?measure? ?against? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms.? ?It? ?not? ?only? ?removes? ?heaven’s? ?will,? ?it? ?even? ?eradicates? ?the? ?true? ?meaning? ?contained? ?in? ?the? ?dream? ?realm.”? ??

Fang? ?Yuan? ?was? ?not? ?without? ?gains,? ?he? ?realized? ?that? ?heaven’s? ?will? ?and? ?heaven? ?path? ?true? ?meaning? ?were? ?entangled? ?in? ?the? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms,? ?so? ?they? ?were? ?hard? ?to? ?separate.? ??

His? ?wisdom? ?path? ?methods? ?were? ?rough,? ?it? ?was? ?difficult? ?for? ?him? ?to? ?precisely? ?separate? ?the? ?two? ?and? ?target? ?just? ?heaven’s? ?will.? ??

But? ?Fang? ?Yuan? ?still? ?had? ?a? ?way? ?to? ?deal? ?with? ?this.? ??

At? ?the? ?next? ?moment,? ?he? ?brought? ?out? ?his? ?dream? ?path? ?clone? ?Meng? ?Qiu? ?Zhen,? ?letting? ?him? ?be? ?devoured? ?by? ?a? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realm.? ??

Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?sighed,? ?feeling? ?somewhat? ?anxious.? ??

Fang? ?Yuan’s? ?strength? ?was? ?exposed? ?which? ?made? ?her? ?quite? ?surprised,? ?he? ?was? ?actually? ?starting? ?to? ?take? ?these? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms? ?right? ?under? ?her? ?eyes.? ??

“Giant? ?Sun,? ?are? ?you? ?going? ?to? ?watch? ?as? ?Heaven? ?Refining? ?Demon? ?Venerable? ?takes? ?these? ?heaven? ?path? ?dream? ?realms? ?and? ?increases? ?his? ?strength?”? ?Star? ?Constellation? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?contacted? ?Giant? ?Sun.? ??

“Of? ?course? ?not!”? ??

At? ?the? ?next? ?moment,? ?Giant? ?Sun? ?Immortal? ?Venerable? ?showed? ?himself.? ??

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